Welcome to Wiesenportz Robotics!

We can barely contain our excitement when the topic of robotics enters a conversation. Just call us and you'll see how we blab on and on about a field that brings together all of our favorites: Science, Technology, Creativity...

Some of our most contagious projects have involved:
  • Underwater diver assistance
  • Scientific data aquisition
  • Surgical products fabrication
  • Hydrokinetic energy harvesting
  • Industrial mechanization and automation

Although we've integrated hardware from various vendors, as well as OS/software ranging from Linux to Qt, we admittedly embrace Microsoft's .NET technology stack. Call us purists, but it is a fresh approach that allows us to surpass traditional (and often quite proprietary) robotics perspectives and truly develop innovative solutions from the ground up.

With each new robotic challenge we are reminded just how much are lives, and the world we live in is changing at a pace that sometimes even science fiction can't keep up with. When you contact our Robotics division you'll learn why our Engineers look forward to coming to work so much!